这句话英文怎么说,我们每天有4节课,每节课都是45分钟 Everyday,we have four 45-minute periods.英语翻译!我每天7点到校,上午有四节课,下午有三节课,4:30放学。 Everyday I arrive in school at 7'o clock and leave it at 4.30.There are 7 lessons per day:4 in the mid-day and 3 in the afternoon.英语翻译 1We have four classes every morning.2He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man.3la英语翻译 It'll be our lesson at nine forty tomorrow morning.英语翻译 一分也不给啊你.太少分了.Every morning i will be waking up at six.After reading half an hour of enlish,i will be having my breakfirst.After that i will going to school.There were four period of lessons before it come to lunch,usually i will decided to eat outside the school with my friend,chatting with each other.After three period of lesson,we will be having a physical traning session,it was about an hour,this was really fun.After that i will having my dinner with my familly.I will either choose to read newspaper or take a walk after the meal.seven thirty to nine was the time for me to do homework.Then i will be sleeping at nine thirty.都是我自己写的,自己想的.没用机器,都是自己想的.分太少了,多加点儿吧.这句话英文怎么说,我们每天有4节课,每节课都是45分钟 We have four 45 minutes-classes everyday.英语翻译 This morning I brought a visit,at noon the delegation will have lunch with students by school In a英语翻译 1 你们明天什么课?what lessons will you have tomorrow?2 我们明天上物理课we'll have physics tomorrow.3 你喜欢哪个老师讲课呢?which tacher' lessons do you like?4 我的手机 已经充满电了/没有充满电my mobile phone is/isn't full of electricity.5 他们喜欢张老师讲课,因为张老师不仅课讲得好,而且长的漂亮they like miss zhang's lessons,because she's not only good at lessons,but also beautiful.英语翻译 five lessons;monday fridaytwenty to five;go homehave no time;do
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