英语作文 Nowadays,the rhythm of people’s life is faster and faster.It’s result from the pressure of modern times and modern society.To survive in the world,people must compete and try their best.So people’s leisure time is less and less.That means people regard leisure time as treasure and they recognise that they should make full use of it.Only when people have a good time do they have passion or enough passion to face their work.Anyway,how people spend their leisure time?In fact,it’s simple to answer.There are many choices for people.First,many people choose sleeping for relaxation.Practice proves that sleeping does a lot good for refreshing.Second,some people enjoy watching TV at home,waching movies in cinema or going to concert for pleasure and decompression.Such people are quiet.Third,for some people who are sporting,they appeal to go to gymnasium.All kinds of sports are attractive to them.They relax themselves and make themselves healthier while perpiring.Fourthly,touring 。英语翻译 1.I want to know whether someone willing to move away from the village2.In order to have free time,he let robot doing housework3.For those of us who helped the city,we are full of gratitude4.Unle.英语翻译 1 I would like to know if someone is willing to move out of the village2 In order to have free time,he let the robot to do housework3 Once helped us regarding these the person,we fill the.英语好的答。 with the development of science,we can do all the things effectively,that means we do the same thing in the future just cost half of the time we spend in nowadays.将有更多的空余时间,怎么译英文 为你解答.将有更多的空余时间will have spare(或free)time英语翻译 With the development of society,people have and free time,some people will choose to make good use of the time to do some exercises,but there are also a lot of people just want to stay at home and spend a lot of time watching TV.They lie on the comfortable sofa,take the controller with one hand,take snacks especially potato chips with the other hand.They are very lazy without doing sports,as the time goes,they become fat and round just like potatoes,so we call this kind of person the couch potato visually.临下班无聊时间,
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