英语翻译 1 He didn't tell me where he lives2 We will not go to the park if it rains3 He swam very well when he was young4 John asked me whether i had received his letter 上面的答案很明显有错英语翻译 With falling into trouble,I am looking for a quiet place to think back,remain sober.What is in order to let myself get away from trouble temporarily,I will pick out some gentle light musics to relax myself.Despite in the views of others,that I am escaping the difficulties,I just to relax and enjoy myself indeed.I treate that as a freedom from intense pressure to adjust myself towards the many challenges and adversities in the coming days。英语翻译 个人觉得是第三个人翻译的比较好,比较有意境.不过第一个人的前半部分也很好.最佳可能是这样吧:Years later,settled down in a peasefull town,running a small pub.Years later,met again,half-lying in the pub un.英语翻译 Butterfly fly away\"by the U.S.singer Miley Cyrus Young wrote and interpretation of the song.She was built by the Walt Disney company profile youth drama\"Hannah Montana\"actress,has a story about.英语翻译 1.Wherever you go,whatever you do,I will be right here waiting for you.2.When whe came to life,he foud himself lying in bed with many people around him.3.No wonder he made such a great achievement,he is so diligent.4.In the different background,not all the people greet in the same way,nor the body touch and the distance between each other.5.With the winter approaching,it gets colder and colder.关于英语的问题 1.You will be broke in a month.2.He found himself lying in hospital.3.She realised what she faced was the hardest job she had ever taken.4.Susan found herself in a trap that she couldn't never escape.英语翻译 I usually choose reading or just having a sleep to fill my spare time.Of course,sometimes surfing the Internet or going shopping,instead.I really like reading in where is peace,which makes me relaxed gradually and enjoy the stories,then I feel characters' various feelings.Meanwhile,I slowly become one of the characters,whose emotions influence me a lot and make me sing with him.In addition to some novels,I still love poems and proses.And I do love those beautiful and detailed essays,whose pretty sentences always impress me.However,reading for a long time makes it easy for eyes to feel tired,which means,it's time for a rest.If I am in a library,I will lay down my books and just look out of the window for a while to refresh my tiring eyes and nerves.But when i am in my dorm,I will lay myself down and enjoy the comfortable bed.Well,doing homework or part-time jobs will make me feel uneasy and that is because the tasks need people focusing on them so that my brain runs too quick,then I 。英语翻译 Everyone has his own dream.While for me,I want to be a traveller,visitting every corner of the world with my friends,enjoying the sceneries of each countries.That must be a pleasant experience。I want.男孩坐在椅子上和女孩躺在床上用英文怎么说? 男孩坐在椅子上和女孩躺在床上 The boy sat on the chair and the girl was lying on the bed.
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