英语翻译 It takes a lot of wisdom for people to learn lessons from history.Looking back at the eventful history of all the big countries,we are provided with quite a lot of knowledge worthy of careful research.翻译成英文 1.Let's work together on designing the school uniforms.2.We decorated the classroom with colorful balloons.3.This issue is worth talking about.4.You could have never met with Mr.Green moments ago,because he's gone to Beijing already.供参考.英语翻译 All the students in my class are holding a seminar,the students on\"making friends\"have different opinions,agreed to make friends of the students think in trouble can help to solve the problem,the.\ i think it deserves discussion英语翻译 2.We don't need to discussthis problem.1.Because of hisoutstanding achievementsin chemistrywas awarded theNobelPrize in Chemistry3.Speechat the closing ceremonyof thepresentleadership6.The child isluckyin the Ya'an earthquakesurvived??4.??I thinkthe film is worth seeing5.?In the activitymonitorplays an important role in
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