英语翻译 翻译了部分,你看看:In case the ratio of W/L is fixed,the number of plates should be maximized.The shape of plates taken into consideration is from rectangle to polygon to the extreme case of circle.Th.我听说你考虑到同学们学习任务重的情况英文翻译 回答和翻zd译如下:我听说你考专虑到同学们学习任属务重的情况。I heard that you took into account the heavy learning tasks of your classmates.英语翻译 I think a student spends birthday inviting whose friends is quite reasonable,however,they have to take into consideration their own family conditions,not blindly following others and comparing unrealistically.they should be presice with choosing people whom they want to celebrate with,remember,faithful friends always give you the best blessings,and think for you all the time.Furthermore,do not forget to communicate with your parents,your parents are the ones who would love you for ever.“从。方面来说”用英语怎么表达? as for the aspect of history,历史as for the aspect of economy.经济我觉得你应该考虑自己的经济情况 的英语翻译. I think you should consider your own economic conditions.请及时采纳,多谢。“考虑”用英语怎么说 一般的用法是consider 或者think。比如说,I will consider that或者I will think about it。但也有用别的句子表达考虑意思的情况,等我等会儿补充给你我觉得你应该考虑自己的经济情况 的英语翻译。 I think you should consider your own economic conditions.学习是一件愉快的事!(*_^)请及时采纳,多谢!考虑各种可能的情况 英文怎么说 考虑各种可能的情况Consider all possible circumstances考虑各种可能的情况Consider all possible circumstances我没有考虑到那一方面。用英语怎么说? I disregarded that aspect.I didn't consider that aspect.其他两个答案也对的\ depending on circumstances看.的情况1.Several steps may be taken depending on the particular circumstances.根据具体的形势可能会考虑采取几步相应措施.来自互联网2.The policies will vary depending on the circumstances in each country.政策会根据每个国家不同的经济状况而作出改变.as the case may be看情况,根据具体情况而定We shall decide who will do the job as the case may be.我们将根据情况决定“由”谁“来”做这项工作.see condition 还是 see stituation都没有这个说法的,是Chinese English.see的意思是看到了,用眼睛看到了,看情况而怎么样,是中文“依据情况”或“视情况而定”的意思,有明显不同,不可用see.祝你有个愉快的心情,望采纳!
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