我的家乡苏州作文 导语:“人人尽说江南好,游人只合江南老。春水碧于天,画船听雨眠。韦庄一词,实在是道出了一种令人心旌摇荡的意境啊!苏州,有周庄,同里,有观前街,有苏州园林,每一处。介绍“我的家乡”苏州的英语小短文,200字左右. The Suzhou is a national point tour city,the cultural object protection unit has 489 totally now,among them national 15,the province class 85,the amount only next to Peking and Xian.Ancient city in the Suzhou is located in water net,street according to river and then set up,the land-and-water proceeds together;The building faces water but builds,ex-lane empress river,the special appearance of the formation\"small bridge,flowing water,somebody else\".Gather the building,landscape,flowers and trees,carvings,calligraphy and painting is equal to integral whole of Suzhou park is the mankind are civilized of the soul treasure strange,government park with stay a park to be included in four name parks in China,and together net teacher park,wreath show country villa and 沧 wave station,lion wood,skill,park,back to think park's etc.is 9 classic parks,distinguish is taught a section text the organization by United Nations to be included in in 97 December,yearses and November,2000《inheritance in 。我的家乡苏州的作文400字 我的家乡在苏州,它是一个美丽的家乡。“上有天堂,下有苏杭”,苏州市闻名中外的“人间天堂”,小桥流水,环境优雅。特别是苏州的园林,独具特色,吸引了无数中外游客的。我的家乡 苏州 英语作文 My homeJiangnan heard of it?Ah,we will think of JJ's\"southern.\"As his songs,as is so beautiful Jiangnan.I do not know my hometown be regarded as Suzhou Jiangnan-.I love my hometown,it brought up,we give our best space.Saying that the landscape in Guilin a The world.Suzhou gardens we also a The world of it。If you went to Suzhou,you will then need to visit the Suzhou gardens.Suzhou is also the playground,which cartoon figures,there is always a smile for you to recruit,welcome.Ah,anyway,Suzhou is good you~我的家乡 苏州 英语作文 My homeJiangnan heard of it?Ah,we will think of JJ's\"southern.\"As his songs,as is so beautiful Jiangnan.I do not know my hometown be regarded as Suzhou Jiangnan。
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