请你打扫一下你的房间好么?用英语怎么写 Could you please clean up your room?“我每周打扫房间。”用英文怎么说? I clean the room every week帮我打一篇简单的打扫房间的英文作文,要有中文翻译哦! Yesterday was Saturday,my mother and father both went to work,I was at home alone.So,I think:My mother and father areso tired,they have to go to work every day,and when they come home,they have to clean the house too.So,I decided to help them to clean the house.I went to get some water,use a dishcloth to clean the desk and the television table.It isso hard to clean the television table,I cleaned it for a long time and I finally done my job.I wasso happy。And when my mother and father came back home,they can't even believe what I've done.My mother was finally smiled at me and said:“That's my girl/boy,I will cook your favourite dish beer apple ring for you tonight to encouragement you.”I wasso happy today and I learnt that I have to treasure all the things that other people done for me.昨天是星期六,我的妈妈和爸爸两个人都去加班了,我一个人在家。所以,我想:我的爸爸妈妈这么辛苦,他们每天要去工作,下班回家后还要料理家务。所以,我决定帮助他们分担家务做一些我力所能及的事情。我决定先。请你把房间打扫干净好吗用英语翻译出来___ ___ ___clean up the room填 Could you please clean up the room?为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck。您的房间已经给您打扫好了用英语怎么 您的房间为你打扫好了请问您还有其他需要?用英语怎么说 Has your room been cleaned up already?Do you have any other services?请你把房间打扫干净好吗用英语翻译出来___ ___ ___clean up the room填 Could you please clean up the room?为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck。打扫你的房间 鲍勃的妈妈很生气。鲍勃的房间里一团糟。。打扫我的房间,用英文怎么说 打扫我的房2113间1、Clean my room2、Clean up my room【例句】当我5261忘了打扫4102我的房间时,我妈妈真的生气1653了。My mother gets really angry when I forget to clean my room.英语“他们正在打扫房间”用英语怎么写 they are cleaning the room.希望能帮到您,我用的是手机,如果有疑问请发消息问我,我收不到追问~O(∩_∩)O我们一连好几天不打扫房间的英语 我们一连好几天不打扫房间copyWe didn't clean the room for several days in a row.我们一连zd好几天不打扫房间We didn't clean the room for several days in a row.
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