英语翻译:我最近在家乡忙着找工作 I am busy with my job hunting recently,and find the jobs here hardly suit me.i used to think i should take care of my parents if i got back.but now it seems i d better go back to shenzhen to find the job while continuing my study.i guess you are ready for ur graduation.the olympic will be held a few months later in beijing.welcome to it if you get time.英语翻译 1.I want to sleep another twenty minutes,I am too sleepy.2.He was working till late last night,let him sleep a short while more.Don't wake him up.3 This morning I slept a little more/sleep for twenty.英语翻译 1 today I am somewhat busy.2 the manager asked me to make a table with the data,and I have to finish it in two hours and hand to him.3 It is even worse that on the half-way I found I had adopted the wrong data,therefore I have to work from the start again.翻译句子 我怎样才能继续在公司工作 How can I go on working in this company after two years毫无疑问,搜寻那些丢失的文物的工作还会继续下去. 我拿不准这本书是谁的I'm not sure whose is this book约翰提到了几个法官的名字,他对他们评价不高John mentioned the names of a few judges who he did not think highly of毫无疑问,搜寻那些丢失的文物的工作还会.英语翻译 1 问问他能否来.(whether)Ask him whether he can come2.我正忙着写一本小说.(busy)I'm busy wrting a novel3.他不在房间里,他一定完成了作业.(must)He isn't in his room,he must have finished his homework4.那辆.英语翻译1.电话情景:您好,我是xx,我之前在xxx工作过,现在有工作证了,可以继续工作了,xxx还没有工作证,可能要过一段时间.2 工作情景:xx还没有工作证,现在还不能打工.我前些日子功课特别忙,所以也没有打工. 英语翻译 Please stand at his right opposite,then look at his eyesCould you turn your back on,standing in front of me,and then close your eyesI will continue to work overtime tomorrow eveningThe girl work is ve.英语翻译1 请你站在他的正对面,然后看着他的眼睛2 请你背对着,站在我面前,然后闭上眼睛3 我明天晚上还要继续加班4 那个女孩工作非常忙,经常晚上加班5 我明要上个早班,下午就可以休息了英语翻译.
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