英语作文题目;peter是你们班上的一位新同学,他来自于美国. 他的性格内向,害怕与老师同学交往,晚上无法睡 Peter is new student in our class.He comes from USA.He is quiet,And He is afraid of talking with friends and teachers.The most problem is he can not go to sleep.翻译下 这位新同学来自美国。(要用be from) This new student is from America.This new student comes from America.祝你开心。速求一篇英语作文 Tim是你班上的一位新同学,来自于美国,他很腼腆,害怕与同学、老师交谈,没晚无法。 Tim,I can tell that you are scared,but it is helpless to escape and pretend that nothing happened.You can ask me for help if you like.This time,I have two advice for you.Firstly,smile and talk一篇英语作文:Mike是你一位来自美国的朋友,请介绍他在中国的生活.字数不少于40个单词. Mike is my friend from America.He works in a big company.He goes to work from Monday to Friday.On weekends Mike often goes shopping with me.He usually goes to a movie on Sunday morning and does some r.速求一篇英语作文 Tim,I can tell that you are scared,but it is helpless to escape and pretend that nothing happened.You can ask me for help if you like.This time,I have two advice for you.Firstly,smile and talk假如你们班来了一位新同学,他来自美国,下面是他的个人资料,请写一篇英语短文,简要介绍一下这位新同学.词数:60左右 I'd like to introduce the new classmate to you.His name is Simon.He is fourteen years old.HIs favorite colour is blue.He like singing very much.His favourite food is bread and meat.He wants to s.求篇英语作文7年纪的 你的要求不清不楚的啊~将详细点吧~我的朋友lily她是我新的同班同学,她来自美国。 用英语么写? My friend Lily is my new classmate,she comes from America
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