导语:知识是珍贵宝石的结晶,文化是宝石放出的光泽。以下是小编整理的劝导学习的名言警句,欢迎阅读参考。1、读书不要贪多,而是要多加思索,这样的读书使我获益不少。。简奥斯丁的英文简介 Jane Austen was a major novelist,whose brilliantly witty,elegantly structured satirical fiction marks the transition in literature from 18th century neo-classicism to 19th century romanticism.Jane Austen was born on 16 December,1775,at the rectory in the village of Steventon,near Basingstoke,in Hampshire.The seventh of eight children of the Reverend George Austen and his wife,Cassandra,she was educated mainly at home and never lived apart from her family.She had a happy childhood amongst all her brothers and the other boys who lodged with the family and whom Mr Austen tutored.From her older sister,Cassandra,she was inseparable.To amuse themselves,the children wrote and performed plays and charades,and even as a little girl Jane was encouraged to write.The reading that she did of the books in her father's extensive library provided material for the short satirical sketches she wrote as a girl.At the age of 14 she wrote her first novel,Love and Freindship(sic)。拒绝平庸的名言 1、平庸的人最大缺点是常常觉得自己比别人高明。富兰克林 2、无声无息地了却一生是平庸的。荷马 3、有信心的人,可以化渺小为伟大,化平庸为神奇。萧伯纳 。导语:努力奋斗是你走向成功的一条最快途径,下面是小编整理的努力奋斗名言警句,欢迎大家阅读。1、志当存高远。诸葛亮 2、辛勤的蜜蜂永没有时间悲哀。。英国女作家简·奥斯汀有哪些动人的经典名言佳句? 英国著名女作家简·奥斯汀有哪些动人的经典名言佳句?比如电影或者小说中的动人句子?
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