控制图 翻译 英语翻译


图片控制界面如何翻译成英文比较好,谢谢 图片控制界面the picture control-interface英语翻译检查表,要因分析图,排列图,分层法,散布图,直方图,控制图,英语对应翻译是什么不要金山词霸翻译的那些, 英语翻译 As the chart is the current manufacturing enterprises in the typical information system architecture,MES is located in the upper plan layer and bottom control layer between,is a manufacturing enterprise production management to the main tool,MES through the downward data interface to realize the data collection and management,through the upward data interface to realize enterprise information integration.MES system architecture and function summary shown in red frame parts:望采纳`~英语翻译 1换热站工作原理 Operating principle of heat-exchange station2锅炉出水温度控制流程图 Flow chart of boiler water outlet temperature control3二次网温度控制框图 Block diagram of second network temperature.英语翻译 post charge 是指电池充电后.stand time 是指从风扇开始启动到停止工作的时间A typical result(Fig.16)shows a fan on time of 2.4 hours after the initial post charge cool down.典型的结果如图16 所示,在电池充电后的初始降温阶段之后,风扇工作了2.4小时.线路控制图用英语怎么翻译 插座布置图用英语怎么翻译 吊顶尺寸图用英语怎么翻译 Line of control chartSocket arrangementCondole size chart


