有关英格兰足球介绍(中译英) As the present soccer first ancestor,the soccer is out of theordinary to England's significance.In Lanpamd,Gerrard,the Beckham control middle place star light sparkles,thegolden child Irving miraculous glow still at,young man Roony,Curoch rapidly flees rises,the whole looked the team maysbe called perfectly.Perhaps is\"the criminal\"Maclaren causes Englandto be without help in 2008 the European Cup,has not let the Beckham obtain enters the stage opportunity this is the biggestmistake。I feel the regret for England。Has replaced head coach'sEnglish team in the present,to the South Africa World Cup,isflushing。求一篇关于英国历史的简介,要有英文和翻译!字数不用多了,急需!! Britain,the whole is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,in ancient Britain is known as the\"day not fall\"empire is England,Scotland,wales and Northern Ireland the United Kingdom.It is a capitalist country in Western EuropeTHE British national anthem is\"GOD SAVE THE Queen\",which is THE translation of Chinese GOD SAVE THE Queen.And that diamonds are the country by,white heart red rose is a symbol of the country.In London,the capital of the UK takes a seat.The city of London a and economy,politics and culture in one place.Here,you can appreciate the wide of the Thames,Big Ben's majesty.Britain also has a long history,from the earliest civilizations to Roman times,and then through the medieval period,the industrial revolution,the colonial expansion,and the world war ii,has been in the present day.The UK is a parliamentary constitutional monarchy.In this country,the king is the head of state,however,the real power in the cabinet,actually.Parliament is the 。求对英国足球的英文简介 Ever since medieval times,football seemed to fit the people like a glove.Legend tells us that the first\"football\"matches were played by the mobs at public executions,using the unfortunate victim's head as a ball.Although this gory image is probably not true,the history of soccer did start in medieval times,but in a less gruesome scenario.One of the first references to a kicking game comes from Norfolk,in a 1321 document where it is stated that a young man hurt himself during a\"game as he kicked the ball\".Other references of kicking games abound during that period and the first mentioning of the word\"football\"was made by King Henry IV of England,who issued a proclamation that forbad betting on\"foteball\".In any case,it's well known that the history of football as we know it begins with the game being introduced in physical education classes throughout the entire public school system of England.These public schools had their own rules that they played by,。英语翻译中译英:英格兰有个著名的城市利物浦,利物浦有两样著名的东西,一样是甲壳虫,令一样是利物浦足球俱乐部.对,今天我就要向大家介绍一个奇迹,一个关于利物浦的奇迹.在伊斯坦布尔阿塔图尔克球场开始的第50届欧洲冠军杯决赛中,利物浦在下半时连追3球,以3比3逼平AC米兰,双方加时赛无所建树,只能求助于点球大战,结果利物浦3比2胜出,夺得本队历史上第5座冠军杯.在比赛之前,双方球迷都很兴奋.因为他们知道 有关英格兰足球介绍(中译英) As the present soccer first ancestor,the soccer is out of theordinary to England's significance.In English,Lanpamd,Gerrard,the Beckham control middle place star。求一篇介绍英国足球的英语短文。 给你一片曼联的:Manchester United Football Club was first formed in 1878,albeit under a different name-Newton Heath LYR(Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway).Little suspecting the impact they were abou.足球中各个位置的英文名称 守门员gk(goalkeeper)清道夫sw(实况是cwp(cweeper))左边后卫lwb(left wing back)左后卫lb(left back)左中后卫lcb(left center back)中后卫cb(center back)右边后卫rwb(right wing back)右后卫rb(right back)右中后卫rcb(right center back)攻击型后卫ab(attack back)后腰cdm(center defence midfield,也可分为左后腰和右后腰lcdm和rcdm)左边中场lwm(left wing midfield)左中场lm(left midfield)左中中场lcm(left center midfield)中中场cm(center midfield)右边中场lwm(right wing midfield)右中场lm(right midfield)右中中场lcm(rght center midfield)攻击型中场即前腰cam(center attack midfield)(实况好象是omf(offence midfielder)),可分为左前腰和右前腰(lcam和rcam)左前锋lf(left forward)中前锋cf(center forward)右前锋rf(right forward)左中锋ls(left striker)中锋st(striker)右中锋rs(right striker)实况中中锋是cf,前锋是ss足球简介 (中英文) 足球运动起源于我国。早在三千五百年前的殷代,就有了“足球舞”。这是古代足球游戏的雏形。战国时代民间己盛行集体的“蹴鞠”游戏。及至西汉,足球己进一步发展成为竞赛性的运动。作为古代中国文明内容之一的足球,公元前四世纪即因古希腊马其顿国王亚历山大发动的战争而传入中东。以后传入罗马,发展成一种把球带到对方一端为胜的竞赛性游戏。接着,这种游戏又因战争传到法国,1066年抟入英国。现代足球始于英国。1863年10月英国足球协会在伦敦成立了第一个足球俱乐部,制定了最初的比赛规则,现代足球运动随之逐渐兴趣。最早的比赛阵形是英国人创造的“九锋一卫”式,即九个前锋,一介后卫,再加一名守门员。随着技术水平的提高,一名后卫难以敌挡九名前锋的进攻,于是产生了“七锋三卫”式阵形,使攻守力量达到相对平衡。由于技术水平的进一步提高,战术的发展,前锋活动的加强,防守力量又日趋薄弱。为了改变这种状况,1870年苏格兰人创造了“六锋四卫”式阵形。接着,英国人又创造了“1+2+3+5”阵形。这一阵形对当时世界足球运动的发展影响很大,因为它体现了攻守力量的基本平衡。为了适应足球运动发展的需要,1904年5月21日,法国、比利时、丹麦、荷兰、。英国足球文化英文版介绍 Reasons are as follows:1,English peole depend more on the wealth plotted by their forebears many years ago,but do not work hard.2,The rapid development of other。求所有英格兰各级联赛球队中英文名称? 2008-2009英超球队名曼联|Manchester United切尔西|Chelsea阿森纳|Arsenal利物浦|Liverpool埃弗顿|Everton阿斯顿维拉|Aston Villa布莱克本|Blackburn朴茨茅斯|Portsmouth曼城|Manchester City西汉姆联|West Ham United托特纳姆热刺|Tottenham Hotspur纽卡斯尔联队|Newcastle Unit米德尔斯堡|Middlesbrough ed维冈竞技|Wigan Athletic桑德兰|Sunderland博尔顿|Bolton富勒姆|Fulham西布朗维奇|West Bromwich Albion斯托克城|Stoke City赫尔城|Hull City
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