一篇关于暴风雪的英语作文,次数在80到100之间 暴风雪Snowstorm它从昨天一直下到现在,现在外面的地上被一层厚厚的一望无际的雪覆盖着。路上有些人正在清理路面。From yesterday until now,now outside of the earth is covered with a thick layer of stretch as far as eye can see snow.The way some people are cleaning up the road.昨天晚上,当我们正在写作业的时候老师进来叫我们早点回家,我透过窗户看见外面飘着鹅毛大雪,我撑着伞冲进了这茫茫的大雪中。Last night,when we are writing homework teacher came in and told us to go home early,I see through the window outside waving large snowflakes,I hold the umbrella into the vast expanse of snow.好不容易回到了家,全身上下都湿透了,冷得我直打颤。Finally returned home,was drenched to the skin,cold I chatter.好大的暴风雪啊!A big storm。帮忙写一篇英语作文 Dear classmates,A sudden snowstorm attacked the north part of our county,it brought the people lots of trouble.Some people have lost their homes.And some of them can't live normally.People wh.有关暴风雪的英语作文 It started snowing late yesterday evening.The snow lasted the whole night with strong wind.When i woke up early this morning i found everything outside was covered with snow.Snow is frozen water that falls from the sky.All snow flakes have six sides,but no two snow flakes are the same.Snow is good for winter wheat.It can protect the wheat from the coldness.People can go skiing after heavy snow.But too much snow can affect the traffic.Whe the snow melts and the streets are covered with ice it is dangerous for us to drive or walk on the streets.We should be careful to drive after the snow.
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