后印象派的代表作 后印象派英文


梵高后印象派用英语怎么说 你好!梵高后印象派Van Gogh Post Impressionism后印象派三杰用英语怎么说 three masters of post-impressionism<;br/>;应该是可以这么表示的。br/>;master有大师的意思~post-impressionism 是 后印象派~<;br/>;希望帮到你!关于印象派的英文介绍 IntroductionImpressionism as an artistic technique began in the late 1800's as the result of a critic's review of Claude Monet's painting,l'Impressionnisme,soleil levant.The critic ridiculed the painting as being a mere impression of a sunrise not an actual reproduction of it.Until this time,artists and their painting techniques had followed a predictable path.They stayed within the accepted guidelines of what was considered talented painting and dared not stray from the norm.They knew that if they did go beyond the boundries of good taste and good art,they would be banished from the artistic community and never sell their work again.The art dealers and gallery owners dictated what would be exhibited in their establishments and artists who did not fit within their guidelines were not successful.A handful of artists who did not fit into these norms decided to hold their own exhibits and display their work in unconventional galleries.They became known as artists who created 。后印象派三杰用英语怎么说 three masters of post-impressionism应该是可以这么表示的。master有大师的意思~post-impressionism 是 后印象派~希望帮到你!后印象派的代表作 印象派之后出现了与印象派的艺术主张不同,以塞尚、凡·高、高更为代表的另一种艺术主张,人们称之为“后印象派”(英语:Post-Impressionism)。后印象派不满足于印象派的“客观主义”表现和片面追求外光与色彩,转而强调抒发作者的自我感受,在当天亮相的众多拍品中,最为引人注目的是法国著名后印象派画家高更的作品《早晨》,这幅作品描绘了塔希提岛的美丽风光,当天以3千九百万美元的价格成交,创下了此次拍卖会的最高价。与此同时,著名画家毕加索的雕塑作品《女性的脸》也在拍卖中受到不少买家追捧,这件雕塑被称为是毕加索最出色的一件雕塑作品,它最终以两千九百万美元的价格成交,创下了毕加索雕塑作品的最高拍价。不过令组织者略感遗憾的是,在此次参加拍卖的76件著名艺术家的作品中,有20件作品最终没能找到买家。其中包括荷兰著名后印象派画家凡高辞世前的最后一幅画作《麦田》。据悉,当天拍卖会的成交总金额约为2亿7千万美元英语翻译后印象派简介\ 请帮忙翻译一段话.汉译英.急用啊摘要:作为后印象派最具有代表意义的凡.高、是一个极端个性化的艺术家,他一生始终强调对事物的自我感受、大胆追求色彩和线条自身的表现力、不拘一格. 凡.高认为:“颜色不是要达到局部的真实,而是要启示某种激情.”他在画中浓重响亮的色彩对比往往达到极限.而他那富于激情的旋转、跃动的笔触,则使他的麦田、柏树、星空等,有如火焰般升滕、颤动、震撼观者的心灵.在他的画上,强烈的
