我准备下周去。用英语怎么说? 我准备下周去。用英语是:Iplantogotherenextweek.我计划下周去。我正准备去书店 翻译成英语 I’m going to the bookstore.英语的来啊。 1.My mother intends to go to Beijing next week.2.I intend to go to Guangzhou by train.3.Zhang Ming intends to go to see his grandmother next week.4.She intens to go to post office this afternoon.我准备下周去。用英语怎么说? 我准备下周去。用英语是:I plan to go there next week.我计划下周去。英语作文:《我打算下周做什么》 I will be busy next week.On Monday I am going to play tennis with my friends in the morning.In the afternoon I am going to do my homework.My parents and I will go hiking in the mountains on Tuesday.I am going to visit my grandparents on Wendesday and help them clean the house.I am going to take a piano lesson on Thursday morning and I will do my homework in the afternoon.I am going to visit my best friend on Friday because it is her birthday that day.I am going to help my parents do some housework on Saturday.On Sunday I am going to the library to borrow some books.在星期六,我打算乘地铁去书店 用英语怎么说 I am going to the bookshop by subway on Saturday.
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