英语翻译 Afternoon full of tears of the sun opened the window and looked shade no separate cool trail took a deep breath and closed his eyes heart depicting tomorrow's stage show to imagine a new one portrayed in the white campus even breaking wind,relationship continues to this new story does not end a wonderful day standing on the crossroads of the zebra crossing when the green light will be able to pass the line before the single-stepping on the white zebra crossing is a step by step like this across their faces like children generally wind alwaysshow really my thing,if you can complete my hands but it encompasses the distant sky put thoughts to convey to each other In this connection,the liberation of时代翻开新的一页 用英文怎么说 时代翻开新的一页The times turn a new page.英语翻译 昨夜天暑,久不能入睡.忽觉有物踽踽然于足上,急开灯视之,乃蟑螂也.遂起而逐之.旦日,过闹市,路人有竞相围观者.审视之,乃小贾贩电子驱蚊器也,价才十元.念昨日蟑螂之事,遂从速购之.至家,依言施为,以待蟑螂之自取死也.然则半日竟无所见.持说明书上网查之,乃假货耳。遂连呼为竖子所欺。自己翻译的,有不少地方没翻译好.也有的现代文根本就没法翻译成古文.时代翻开新的一页 用英文怎么说 A new chapter of the century has opened.英语翻译 the result of the study could be apply to new technic tap.when you see the openning page opened the traval magazine,and you would be attracted by the long history of China.cause the problem of drought and luck of rain,it's a serious problem that lacking of substance.for hightened the quality of products,they hired a teenager with 20 years of work of expirences.新的一页,新的开始 英语俚语怎么说 .You probably know that this interview is mostly to test your oral so just relax,and let's have a chat,shall we?英语翻译 If winter comes,can spring be far behind?Hold on a little longer,and will come to us anew.We will encounter harsh winters in our lives,Be determined and persistent,and you will see an entirely new wor.
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