谁告诉我这一段话的英文是什么 One car after a scenic spots stop 3 to 5 minutes,but we stayed two months,already enough,so far。Don't cry because it came to an end,smile。In order to have ever own,let us also only took it as a scener.英语翻译 China currently has about one hundred million vehicles,less than half of the United States,but China's demand for cars is growing rapidly.It is expected that in 2030,the Chinese people may be tha.英语翻译 楼上的明显用软件翻译的,不准确.1.He drove a red roadster.(roadster是跑车,敞篷车的意思)2.He was driving a car into the yard/left the yard.3.What colour of car do you prefer?4.I prefer white or golden car.5.What colour of this car do you have now?6.I have white,red except blue.汽车颜色,就是 the colour of car,也可以是 colour of the car前者强调汽车的颜色,后者强调这款汽车的颜色英语英汉互译 how long bought boughthow long had since his forth birthdayhave ever played played for some time英语翻译 How long do you need to fix this car?How much does it cost you to fix this car?How long have you been driving this car?I have been driving this car for about five years.
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