关于新学期生活的英语作文,100词 It is a new term now,and I hope I can do the best,so I make a plan for my learning.First,I will pay attention to listening to the teacher on the class,and I will recite a passage for the class.Second,I will do my homework carefully and hand it on time.If I don't do it,I will write a whole passage 3 times.Third,I will do the dictationon time and finish it well.If Idon't do it well,I will do what the teacher want to.Forth,I will try my best in the exam,and I will make a progress.If I fail in the exam,the teacher could call myparents.新学期计划英语作文 新的学期又来了,我离毕业考试又近了一步.为了考上好的学校,我制定了新学期的学习计划.1.我要认真完成我的家庭作业.2.在遇到不会的题的时候去请教同学或老师.3.多做一些练习题.4.在周末多复习以前学过的知识.5.多练习英语的口语.6.课余时间多阅读一些书.希望我在新学期中取得更好的成绩.考上一所好的学校.The new semester again,I graduated from is a step closer examination.Admitted to good schools,I developed a new semester program.1.I want to finish my homework seriously.2.in the face of the problem is not the time to ask the students or teachers.3.do some exercises.4.more than the weekend reviewing previously learned knowledge.5.to practice speaking English.6.spare time to read some books.In the new semester I hope I get better results.Admitted to a good school.我的新学期计划英语作文 New term is coming,all things have changed,but one thing I have never forgot,which is studying studying and studying.Next term,I will went the senior school,so I must do a good job in entrance exam of.新学期的学习计划怎样安排用英文怎样写 就写一些努力之类的、然后一些实践方面的安排!范文如下:The New Term's PlanThe new term is coming.I am excited.I will be in eight grade next term.I will be hard-studying in next term.And I will pay attention to study math and physics.In order to be and healthy and strong.I will do exercise next term.In the new term,I will know focus of the world because I will read newspaper.I hope the new term will come sooner.希望对你有帮助!跪求!汉译英。英文将来式的。 The new semester very quick started.This semester I was the sixth-grade student,very quick must graduate.For can on a good junior middle school,I decide that completes my learning program diligent.英语作文:新学期的计划 新的学期又来了,我离毕业考试又近了一步.为了考上好的学校,我制定了新学期的学习计划.1.我要认真完成我的家庭作业.2.在遇到不会的题的时候去请教同学或老师.3.多做一些练习题.4.在周末多复习以前学过的知识.5.多练习.英语作文《新学期的打算》 Another new term comes again,so I should have a study plan to promot myself.新的一学期马上就要开始了,于是我给我自己做了一个新学期做一个学习计划,以此来激励(督促)我.Firstly,I descide to finish my homewo.
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