英语翻译 1.Are you going to a few weeks to travel to Shanghai/to Shanghai on a business trip?2.I plan to travel to Shanghai on Wednesday to Shanghai on business3.Are you going to go to the United States a few number?I plan to go to the United States in April 15th.4.Your home is too close from the train station,the evening will be very noisy?5.The house is too far from the town,I don't like.英语翻译 你要和几个人去法国度假How many frenchmen will go on a holiday with you?2 我打算和三个人去法国度假.I plan to go on a holiday with three frenchmen.3 你想好和谁一起去北京旅行了么?Have you decided with whom do you go travelling4 你最想和谁一起出去旅行呢?Who do you want the most to travel with?5 你打算去北京旅行多少天?How many days do you plan to travel in Beijing?我想去北京旅行5 天I want to travel in Beijing for 5 day.6 我外出旅行的计划 临时推迟/临时取消了My plan to go out for traveling has been canceled occasionally英语翻译 这是表达计划的,所以多用一般将来时.After breakfast,I plan to go to the supermarket to buy some apples.Then I will go to the park to fly a kite there.At11:30,I will go home.In the afternoon,I am going to play football with my friends.In the evening,I will watch TV with my parents.英语翻译 1 Is your tomb-sweeping day vacation?We tomb-sweeping day off for 3 days2 what are you going to how to arrange three days of tomb-sweeping day holiday?3 I'm going to three days of tomb-sweeping day ho.
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