你看见他拿我的的钢笔了吗?英文翻译 Did you see he take my pen?
教我几句英语 我去过法国,我看见埃菲尔铁塔了.’I went to France,and I saw the Eiffel Tower.或者I have been to France,and I have seen the Eiffel Tower.‘你看见我的钢笔在哪吗?Did you see my pen anywhere?(比较口语化)或者Have you seen my pen?‘我见过,但忘了在哪了?Yeah,I have seen it,but I forgot where it is now.或者I have seen it,but I forgot where I saw it.天上~
你看见我的钢笔了吗?我刚才把它放在桌子上了。用英语怎么说? Do you see my pen?I just put it on the table.希望你能采纳