英语翻译 恭喜你们成为光荣的志愿者


对于学弟学妹,作为学长学姐的你们有什么建议呢?接下来小编搜集了写给学弟学妹的一封信范例,仅供大家参考,希望帮助到大家。篇一:写给学弟学妹的一封信范例 亲爱的学弟。

英语翻译 Dear headmaster(你没说清楚那我就默认这封信是写给校领导的)My name is XXX.I have heard about the recent activity to the old people's house which I have great intrerest in and I would like to be a volunteer.I am a person with a warm heart and I like to help other people.I am aware that some of the people in the old people's house may not have the ability to move freely.I am very happy to take them on a walk in the garden on wheelchairs.I can read the paper for people who can't see very well.I can also help and clean their rooms.I am always free during weekends.I think this would be great oppotunity and important expereince for me and might be useful in the future.Please contact me.RegardsXXX我现写的,120字左右,没有什么难的时态或者词汇,主要讲了你乐于助人,可以去帮老人整理房间,散步,读报纸.周末有空.认为这是一次机会,能够成为宝贵的经验或许对将来有用.望采纳

在青旅做义工需要注意什么? 我想问问现在那么多青年旅舍招义工,都安全吗?义工要做些什么?注意些什么呢?


