怎么与舍友搞好关系英语作文 作文 我与舍友的关系


怎么与舍友搞好关系英语作文 提供示例如下仅供参考:第一篇是文库里的。我个人不是很推荐,太中规中矩了,并且用的实在是太多了。说不定就有跟你一样的。How to get along with your roommatesRecently,and people have the opportunities to go to the college,college can be a stressful situation,but if you can’t get along with your roommates,you’re going to find it hard to study and do other things.So,how to get along with your roommates becomes and important.Now,many families have only one child,the only child is loved too much,which lead that they don’t know how to get along with others,some students often have conflicts with their roommates and look down on them;others just like to keep themselves alone and do not like to communicate with other roommates.When it comes the topic how to get along with your roommates,there are some methods to solve the problem.First,you should always ask before borrowing,establish a trustworthy relationship with your roommates and he or she will never have a 。我和我不易相处的舍友英语作文 My good freind,Li Ping is taller than me.He is 1.60 meters.I'm 1.58 meters.He is the same age as me.We are both 12 years old.And he is heavier than me.舍友烦人 无法与舍友相处 向别人发的求助信 英语作文我在 英国布莱顿大学学习 室友不卫生 在休息时方音乐声音大 乱动别人物品 等等我很苦恼 写信给好友求助 100词左右就可以谢谢啊把汉语翻译也弄上来吧 如何处理好和室友的关系英语作文 400字 For most university students,dormitory life is a newexperience.Most students have never lived far away from their parentsbefore coming to university.They have always had their parents to dependon for advice and guidance,and when they become universitystudents,their lives begin to change.There are striking differencebetween home life and dormitory life.Student must begin to beresponsible for their own action.They must depend on themselves to getup in the morning on,time for class,to eat properly,to keep theirclothes and themselves clean,and to set aside an appropriate amount oftime for study and relaxation.They must also learn to take care of theirmoney,making sure to preserve enough for both necessities and for fun.\ To get along well with your dormitory friends,there are a lot of things you can do.First of all,communication is necessary for you for it can strengthen your relationship.Secondly,it's vital to give them a hand when they are in need.Last but not least,you can not only play with each other,but also study together to improve all your exam results.As far as I am concerned,dormitory harmony is not built in a day.It need long-term efforts.《我的舍友》800字作文 哎!昏昏噩噩,不知是怨长征般的暑假生活还是怪小弟难以名状的人生观。将近过半的假期但仍无半点以往的成就感。怀念之心最近两天似乎多了些许。既然如此,那就趁着俺稚气已脱,成熟未至时来回忆回忆俺的舍友们吧!其实一直就想写一篇关于我们的伟大事迹。今天就借着这个不是机会的机会来晒晒这些祖国未来可爱的花朵们吧!首先要说的自然就是我们那不像舍长的舍长:老王。(敲出这句话就有点后悔,以防老王误会。在此我声明一下:说他不像舍长是指他做事的风格行事的态度。并非责任心以及哥儿几个对他的承认与否。说到老王,那只能用一个词语来形容:神出鬼没。这是我们宿舍几经商讨多番审核给出的一致答案。每每一觉醒来往下一探头,十有八九人去楼空。本着对他人身安全着想的原则。经过我们多次寻其蛛丝马迹后的证据得出三个答案:一、去教室发奋图强,准备为祖国的现代化建设做出贡献。二、去校园谈情说爱,打算将爱情进行到底!三、去教室谈情说爱,来个爱情学业一起抓!得此答案我们无不暗暗佩服王哥的传说。就近原则,接着说我邻床的昌哥吧!记得刚开学时我俩挨着坐第一排。但本着女士优先的智理名言。我俩推居二线坐到了最后一排。本想和他聊熟以后上演一段课堂。怎样处理你与室友的关系 英语作文 There are a few ways to improve the relationship between your room mates.First and foremost,communication between each other plays a very important role to maintain a healthy relationship.Whenever you or your room mate face any problem,discomfort or disagreement,it is very important for both of you to discuss about the matter.Do not choose to keep everything in your heart.If you do not like what your room mate did.Tell him or her.Let them know about it.Discuss the matter with them and settle it.Do hold grudges with your room mate.Second,you and your room mate must work out a timetable.Set roles and house chores equally based on each other's abilities.Be responsible on the duty you are assigned to.If it is your day to sweep the floor then complete the task.Do not be lazy or be a last minute worker.LAST Coorporation is very important for a good relationship between room mates.网上抄的刚发给我同学求一篇与舍友交往存在问题的 作文 宿舍就好像是大学这个机体上的一个个小细胞,虽然渺小却也影响着我们整个的大学生活。而舍友更是这些小细胞中的关键之物,四年的朝夕相处,如果彼此关系融洽,则心情舒畅,这不仅有利于我们身心健康,更有利于我们的学习;倘若关系紧张,则心绪不宁,给我们的学习生活蒙上阴影,产生一系列负面影响。那么怎样才能处理好舍友间的关系呢?以下几点虽为小事,却能让我们于点滴中营造属于我们自己的那份和谐!一、与舍友统一作息多个人在一起生活,应该有统一的作息制度,对此,大家应共同遵守,尽量减少争执,消除摩擦,维持正常的生活秩序。在细节上,更应多加注意,如:减少声响和灯光对舍友的影响。二、不搞“小团体”在宿舍应当以平等的态度对待每一个人。切不可和一部分人打得火热,而对另一部分人疏远冷漠,更不可老是和一个人说悄悄话,这样很容易引起宿舍其他成员不悦。只要我们诚心地与舍友交往,“小团体”就不会存在。三、积极参加集体活动宿舍活动是舍友之间联络感情的重要方式,每个人都应积极加入。宿舍内的活动形式,应尊重大家的选择,确实不能参加的,可以把想法和意见委婉地提出来,而不要一口回绝,以免扫了其他舍友们的兴致。四、他人有难要帮 。

