关于就业问题的论文 求一篇 关于大学生就业问题的论文


求一篇 关于大学生就业问题的论文 浅谈大学生就业问题 摘要:大学生就业有着良好的基础和条件,但大学生在求职面试时,往往因为忽视了细节处的表现,以及在就业过程中出现的。

求人帮忙写一篇关于解决就业问题的英语小论文,要求300字 If i was a policy maker,unemployment will not be a problem.Unemployment is the fact that many people are unable to have a job due to different reasons.The common reason is that shops and companies do not accept people who has a limited knowledge,especially people who has not finished university.I think this idea is very wrong because what if someone was too poor to go to school,that does not mean that the person cannot have a job.That's totally discrimination。I would make the policy that shops cannot always employ people who have a lot of knowledge.Even with a lack of knowledge you may be able to learn.New policies are below:1)Give everyone a chance,whether they are poor or rich,beautiful or ugly,knowledgeable or not.2)Make a reasonable amount of money per week.3)Do not make too many rules of employment,e.g.must be over 1.8m.4)No racism is allowed,everyone should be treated fairly.5)Every 3 months,100 dollars should be donated to those who are unable to work because of 。

关于就业的论文 农民工作为伴随我国经济体制转轨、社会学论文代写社会结构转型而产生的新的特殊的社会群体。农民工就业问题是涉及未来50年中国社会能否持续发展、经济。www.abclunwen.com

