英语作文“电脑改变着我们的生活” 讨论电脑对我们的生活的英语作文


英语作文:电脑对我们生活的好处 共1 Computer Are Of Great UseTo Our Daily Life Now,thecomputer in every household。And students who study in primary schools alsohave to study computer.It 。在英语论坛上大家都在讨论电脑对我们生活的影响英语作文 1电脑是最重要的发明之一,其应用越来越广泛 Now,there are too many net-bars(网吧)around us.The Internet can make our lives interesting and enjoyable.Many of us like going online very much because we can learn how to use the computer and get.初二英语作文 《How Does the Computer Change Our Life》With the development of science and technology,people depend more and more heavily on the computer.Then how does the 。电脑对我们生活的影响 英语作文80词左右 whether the meeting will be an artillery in southern lebanon on board were电脑对我们的生活十分重要英语作文 一提到“富有”这个词,人们首先联想到的,莫过于车子、房子、票子。但是,我今天要说的,不是生活上富有,而是精神上的富有。因为,我拥有太多了。首先,我拥有个聪明的大脑,为此,我常常感到骄傲、自豪。正因为我有聪明的大脑,所以拥有超强的记忆力和超强的理解能力。老师要背的课文,我通常只要背一遍就记得滚瓜烂熟了,老师提出的疑难知识点,我懂得用分步骤的方式把它理解透彻。我在课堂上思维十分活跃,常常老师话音未落,我就满怀信心地举起了手,被老师表扬多次。经过我的统计,发现我近期语文课发言次数都超过了6次!怎么样,是不是名副其实的发言王?在阅读短文方面,我也是班上数一数二的,每次考试,我做的短文思考性答案不是被老师打上了双圈,就是当范例给同学传阅,甚至于有时还在全班阅读呢!记得那是在不久前的语文1、2单元练习,我很快做到了阅读短文的最后一道思考题,是这样问的:“从文中,你感受到了什么?虽然这道题已经是老生常谈了,但我仍不肯怠慢,生怕哪一点写错了,丢了这可贵的分数。我把文章内可以借鉴的优美词语和脑子中派得上用场的好词好句一股脑搬上来,足足写了五行!心想:一定能打双圈!卷子一发,我还来不及看分数,就翻了。英语作文“电脑改变着我们的生活” Computers make our life different.Computres are being used and extensively in the world today。In the past,We get information by reading book and newspaper and waching TV。Nowadays we can use computers surfing the Internet to have word straightway。In the past,we get in touch with others by writing letters,telegraph and phone.Nowadays we can use computer sending E-mail and online QQ.In the past,we have to go to school studying and when we come across a new word,we need look it up in a dicitionary.Nowadays we can take part in e-schools and search ingformation online.In the past,we enjoy oueselves by listening radio,watching TV and shoping.Nowadays we use computer shopping online,reading varieties of magazines and enjoying music and so on。In a word,computers chang our life。基本上是按照翻译的,我英语也不好,看没有人回答,我就试试了,错误的地方还请见谅


