仁爱英语九年级的<教材全解>和<英汉互动讲解>哪一本对辅助学习的效果更好,它们各有什么优点和缺点? 我是觉得英汉互动讲解课前预习教材全解课后复习及做题
仁爱英语九年级上册 我有.以下就是。TREES We need the trees for shelter,We need a place to stay.Somewhere to raise our children,Somewhere to hide away.You want the trees for paper,You want it every day.You use it just a little,And then throw it all away.We need the trees to feed us,We need them to survive.They have all the fruits and leaves We need to stay alive.You want the trees for timber,You want the wood to build.But logging is the reason A lot of us are killed.请问对吗?
九年级英语书全一册的资料书有哪几种(仁爱版) 北大