速求英语作文一篇!介绍校园英语角的活动情况并希望英语爱好者积极参加.主要内容如下: 希望英语七滋八味春卷


英语翻译 都用有粘性不会散开的 成粉末状而不沙化的XX为最好取水浇土 使很多人无序的光着脚踩踏成浓稠的泥状

遂宁 春卷 电视中央十台希望英语 哈哈哈~就在步行街永逸电影院往下走,那边有很多卖布的,很多人吃的!那天上电视那个阿姨的冲好吃!我从初中吃到了现在工作。

速求英语作文一篇。介绍校园英语角的活动情况并希望英语爱好者积极参加.主要内容如下: My First Time at the CornerIt was a beautiful Sunday.Our teacher told us that there would be an Corner near the gate of the People's Park.I started off soon after breakfast.It was already 9:20 when I got there.To my joy,the Corner had just been on for a few minutes.Oh,what a big crowd。There were professors,teachers,cadres①,engineers,workers,students and PLA men.Some were reading the SSP(Shanghai Students's Post),some were talking while others were listening attentively②.Everyone was eager to learn from others.I joined them in their talk.At first,I was afraid that my was so poor and limited that I couldn't follow them or make myself understood.I was also afraid that someone might laugh at me.But a smiling face here and an encouraging nod there soon put me at ease③.I became bolder and came to speak with them freely.We talked about the situation at home and abroad,about our school life,our hobbies and our ideas.We exchanged experience in 。


