按摩介质葱姜水制作 听藏名说把银和热鸡蛋白,葱姜蒜包在一起按摩风湿处,可以治风湿,是真的吗?有没人试过啊?急急急


英语翻译 Cola chicken wings production of materials:Ingredients:chicken wings,coke,onion,ginger,salt,chicken and so on.Wash chicken wings.A little salt and cooking wine will be marinated chicken wings,for about 1 hour;Hot pan,to into the edible oil,cut into large segment of the Cong Jiangsuan with soy pan,saute chicken wings after the entry,with the fire stir fry;Stir fry chicken wings until golden brown,add salt,then stir about,please note that the entire process of making coke chicken wings to be with the fire;Pour Coke,Coke just right so that did not have wings,if you eat a little sweet taste,can be a little bit cola;Add a little soy sauce,to mention color,but note that salty because salt had been added beforeSauce.Do not cover the lid,it would be comparatively thick sauce,the sauce should pay attention to the process of constantly stir fry about chicken wings,because the high sugar content of cola,and always use the fire,so little attention it is easy to pot.Juice is about to close。

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