英语翻译1.Lisa likes to travel --------------------.(游客很多的地方)2.你还去过别的什么地方?---------------- have you been?3.Cindy靠买便宜的东西省钱。(by doing


英语作文,40词差不多吧. 额.好吧 40词有点难写Dear Steve,How are you going?I just came back from Xi'an.As we known,Xi;an is a beautiful city that is well worth visiting.The weather there is really fine,and I bought many special things.I really had a good time.Are you interested in Xi'an I hope you will come to visit the wonderful city soon.Yours,LisaLisa和Peter去他们的学校旅行在上周用英语怎么写? Lisa and Peter went to their school for a visit last week.英语作文假如你是lisa,下周日你打算和朋友们去野餐,请根据下面的表格内容,向 On Sunday,Michael goes out for a picnic with his friends.They take some food with them.Jane wants kanngkang to sing some songs with her,but he has no time.He has to cook.Maria and Wang Junfeng would like to help kangkang.Steve carries water for them.And Maria flies a kite with the dog.They are all very happy。假如你是汤姆,请根据以下的提示,用英语给你网友Lisa写一封电子邮件向她介绍你对 基础写作One possible version:Dear Lisa,You asked me my idea about traveling.Now I’d like to tell you about it.In my opinion,traveling is a good activity.It is good for our health.We can enjoy the beautiful scenery.We can also relax ourselves.But sometimes the weather can change and we may get ill.So we should know some information about the weather when traveling.Remember to take good care of our things.What’s your opinion?Please let me know.这是一篇应用文写作,写一封信。给出的材料比较全面,我们所要做的首先是应用正确的英语句子把这些内容表达出来,在此基础上亦可适当发挥,注意不要遗漏材料中给出的要点。写作前先结合要表达的事情确定句子的人称时态,注意标点符号及大小写等问题,不要犯语法错误。注意上下文之间的逻辑关系,语意连贯。英语书面表达假如你是李华,打算今年暑假到美国纽约旅游 Dear Tom,As you have asked,my may holiday would be to rest(because of the burden from school and excercising)and to visit my grandparents in the countryside.Of course,I will tell them about或者这一个Dear Tom,How are you getting on these days?I’ve just finished my final exam.After working hard for a long time,I really want to have a good rest during the winter vacation.First,I’m going to watch some interesting movies and read some good books.Then,it’s time to communicate with my parents.I wish to share my happiness and sadness with them.Besides,I plan to help do some housework.At last,I hope to be a volunteer,helping the old and disabled as much as possible.In this way,I can know about the world better.By the way,how will you spend your vacation?一篇关于lisa青岛旅游的英语作文 我是刚2113上初一的学生。我想问一下:“如何才能把5261作文写的更好?4102 在学习或评价别人写的作文的时候要从哪1653些方面来分析?写好作文都有哪些技巧?如何确定这是“一篇好作文”呢?提问者:亻艹灬忄龙-见习魔法师 二级 最佳答案 一、审 题 这是写作文首先要做好的事,否则,就会直接导致“文不对题”,“下笔千言,离题万里”。怎样才能审好题呢?根据通常的作文题目的形式来看,一般可分为命题作文和材料作文两大类。对命题作文的审题,我们的会议安排具体如下.英文 1.the agenda of the meeting is as below:day 1:free activity time,you can arrange decent place of interest for sight seeing.day 2:meeting for the whole day(tom and lisa)day 3:meeting for the morning(jerry)return to Shanghai2.we agree that below three places are to be considered as the selection of holding the meeting.3.according to the budget,we agree that the draft of the cost of this meeting as below:fare for transportation:fare for accommodation:fare for meals:英语翻译1.Lisa likes to travel --------------------.(游客很多的地方)2.你还去过别的什么地方?---------------- have you been?3.Cindy靠买便宜的东西省钱。(by doing sth.)4.Jerry ------ ------- ------- (旅行) 一篇关于lisa青岛旅游的英语作文 atriptotheoceanparkmyparentsandiwenttotheoceanparklastsunday.wewentbybus.welefthomeat8:00amandgotthereat8:30am.therewerealotofpeopleinthepark,boysandgirlsyoungandoldareeverywhere.wesawmanycolorfulandstrangefishes.butwhat'smostinterestingwaswatchingthedolphinshow.itwasonat3:00pm.thelovelydolphinsjumpedoutofthewatersuddenlyanddivedunderthewateragainquickly.thentheyswamclosetotheballandsuddenlyhititwiththeirnoses.soontheybegantodancewithmusic.wow。howamazingitwas。itwasanicetrip.到海洋公园旅游上星期日我和父母去海洋公园旅游。我们坐62616964757a686964616fe59b9ee7ad9431333431363563公交车去。我们8:00从家出发,8:30到那里。公园里有很多人,男女老少到处都是人。我们看到很多鱼。最有趣的是看海豚表演。表演在下午3:30.可爱的海豚从水中跳出,有突然潜入水里。然后它们游向一个球,用鼻子来打球,并随着音乐起舞。太棒了!真是好玩在星期六,lisa打算去做什么?英文翻 What does Lisa plan to do on Saturday?orWhat is Lisa going to do on Saturday?祝你开心如意。


