女孩子做土建工程预算好吗?是男孩子做好还是女孩子做好?目前工程预算前景怎样?我是英语专业的女生。 没有完成预算 英文


英语翻译 A budget is an operational plan and control tool for an entity that identifies the resources and commitments needed to satisfy the entity 's goal over a period.Budgets are primarily quantitative,not qualitative.They set specific goals for income,cash flows,and financial position.Budgeting is undertaking the step involved in preparing a budget.Along with clear communication of organizational goals,the ideal budget also contains budgetary controls.Without a formal system of control,a budget is little than a forecast.Budgetary control is a management process to help ensure that a budget is achieved by instituting a systematic budget approval process,by coordinating the efforts of all involved parties and operations,and by analyzing variances from the plan and providing appropriate feedback to responsible parties.The goals identified in the budgetary in the budget must be perceived by employees,as realistic if those employees are to be motivated to achieve the goals.A pro forma 。

新开业的公司怎样做财务预算报告 一、做有32313133353236313431303231363533e59b9ee7ad9431333361326234意义的计划借用我以前老板的一句话:“Planning without action it is Daydream.Action without planningit is Nightmare.”确实是这样,一个没有计划的商业行为确实十分麻烦。一个企业要是没有规划好就飞速的发展扩张,势必遇到很多因缺乏预测和远见而带来的财务问题。比如说:资金筹措困难、开支无法控制、不良应收账款和积压存货等不良资产的增加、盲目投资扩张,直至现金链的断裂等。一个好的计划,可以把相应的有利因素和不利因素转化为数字放到财务模型当中,并且利用估值、可能性分析、情景模拟、敏感性分析等手段,把潜在风险可能造成的影响计算出来,从而更好的规避或控制风险。同时,预算也是一种管理会计工具,为企业的决策服务。预算有很多分类的方法,那些书本上的东西我就不赘述了。我根据自己的工作经验,把计划预算分成了以下几种:(一)全新企业的规划一个即将成立或者刚刚成立的新企业,需要做一个整体的中长期(5-10年)预算。一般包括完整的利润表预算(销售、生产、成本、费用等)、公司今后几年的现金流预算和所需资金的投资计划、开业初期和中长期人员计划、开业。

英语翻译 专业翻译;Keyword:The cost of project is managed|Cost|Progress|The analytic approach of earning value,in the cost management of the project,it is a main goal of management that the cost,progress.

