我又没水了英文 英语翻译


英语翻译 一、我们两个人都没有看这部电影.Both of us have never watched this movie before.Both of us did not watch the film.二、我的茶杯里没有水了.My teacup is empty.三、不是他就是我要到那儿去.It’s either him or me to go there.四、学生们和老师都不知道这件事.Both the students and teachers are not aware of this matter.五、我们家正在一起过周末.Our family is spending the weekend together.六、纸和墨都被用完了.The papers and ink have been used up.七、男孩中每个人都有一部字典.All the boys have a dictionary each.【英语牛人团】

英语翻译 现在的生活比过去好多了.Life is better than before.我的杯子里几乎没水了.你能给我一些吗?There is little water in my bottle.can you give me some?你、我和他都被选中了.He,you and me have been chosen.不要嘲笑别人的失败,因为没人喜欢被嘲笑.Don't laugh at people's failure,nobody likes to be laughed at.

我们没有一些水用英语怎么说 we have no waterwe dont have any water

