信托关系和委托关系的区别是什么 信托关系和委托关系的区别: 1、成立的条件不同:设立信托必须有确定的信托财产,委托人没有合法所有的、用于设立信托的财产,信托关系就无从确立。委托代理关系则不一定以。
英语翻译 In the trust process has the dispute type to be possible frequently to rest on the concrete dispute main body to be different as well as otherwise has the preliminary foundation legal relationship to divide into the standard for the trust litigant between disputed,the trust litigant with the third human of between dispute as well as causes based on the third human of abuse of authority disputes three kinds.
信托法律关系诉讼中的信托法律关系指的是什么? 信托法律关系是一种特殊的民事财产法律关系。根据《中华人民共和国信托法》的规定,信托的客体是财产所有权或者财产所有权权利,信托的本质即是财产管理制度。。