求张国荣所有的日文歌 中森明菜la vida


viva la vida的歌词? 62616964757a686964616fe78988e69d8331333262366465Viva La Vida生命无上I used to rule the worldSeas would rise when I gave the wordNow in the morning I sleep aloneSweep the streets I used to own我曾经主宰世界。大海也愿为我咆哮。如今我清晨独眠,在我曾拥有的井巷中彷徨。I used to roll the diceFeel the fear in my enemy's eyesListen as the crowd would sing:Now the old king is dead。Long live the king。我经历过孤注一掷,感受过敌人眼底的不可终日,领教过愚民们高喊口号:“先王亡矣!我王永世!One minute I held the keyNext the walls were closed on meAnd I discovered that my castles standUpon pillars of salt and pillars of sand大权刚刚在手,城墙即将我禁闭。我这才发现我城堡的基石竟如散沙盐粒般脆弱无力。I hear Jerusalem bells a ringingRoman Cavalry choirs are singingBe my mirror my sword and shieldMy missionaries in a foreign fieldFor some reason I can't explainOnce you go there was never,never an honest wordThat was when I ruled the world耶路撒冷传来一声钟响。罗马。

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#music station 中森明菜#中森明菜i love you中文版#中森明菜la vida

