“自己的事情自己做”翻译成英文 是这样的:The own things do it yourself第二句是:As a new generation of young people望楼主能采纳英语翻译 这些就是第一代人新工作的每天早晨。英语翻译 Research on proposal of integrated taxi business management platform based on the technologies of the Internet of ThingsAs an important part of information technologies of the new generation,Internet of Things is an information carrier in connection to internet and traditional telecommunication network,interconnectIing all common physical objects which independently search addresses.On the basis of briefly introduction to the technologies of Internet of Things,by using the relevant knowledge of software engineering,this paper probes into the proposal how to resolve the key business of the taxi business management and to avoid the currently problems with application of relevant technologies of Internet of Things.英语翻译 However,some advertisement translations are\"dead translations\".For example,the Pepsi's advertisement\"the choice of a new generation\"can be translated into\"新一代的选择\"because the literal culture connotation has been understood by the Chinese readers.Therefore,Chinese readers can simply make a context assumption and don't need to pay energy to obtain the best relevance.So,it is easy to see that the goal of translation is to achieve a best relevance.This article thinks that the best relevance plays an important part in the advertisement translation.While translating,we should be neither in a total\"localization\"way nor be in a\"dead translation\"way(keeping the original meaning)but should analyse and deal with it according to the dynamic connection between the original language and the target language.The concept of the best relevance is very important in the theory of relevance.The best relevance perfectly interprets two translation principle which are the localization of 。英语翻译 The Ningbo Beilun Pheonix mountains theme park is the new generation high tech large-scale internationalization theme park,located at the Eastern big port-Ningbo Beilun central area.A paradise issue invests nearly hundred million US dollars,the area 260,000 square meters,by American Apex Amusement Design Company J the RA design,uses in the present world the newest design idea,plans“the world square”,“the evil spirit imaginary village”,“the phoenix castle”,“the exploration journey”four subject campuses,builds“happily,fashionable,pleasantly surprised,the stimulation”the amusement atmosphere,becomes the East China first-class happy kingdom,the taking vacation Holy Land.英语翻译 是这样的:The own things do it yourself第二句是:As a new generation of young people望楼主能采纳英语翻译 Sweetener is a kind of mixed sweetener of high quality,scientifically and refinedly made up of a new sweetner-Neotame-which is approved by Ministry of Health as base material and combined with variou.
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