运动员具有的品质英文 一个优秀运动员应该具备什么素质


一个优秀运动员应有的素质 an athlete should be a person who persue the goal of higher,faster,stronger.

谁有关于著名运动员英语作文 This picture captures a scene from the Olympics in Athens.People all over the world watch in excitement as Liu Xiang moves towards the finish line in the 110 meter hurdle race.His spirit and determination inspire all,and show how valuable giving your all can be.Life is a continuous process of fighting and one cannot achieve success without effort.Sparing no effort shows that one fears no difficulties.Striving for a definite goal with such perseverance and determination is a valuable quality.One should not stop trying until one has obtained one's dream.Everybody should have this spirit of persistence because one cannot attain anything without exerting oneself.One of the waiters at Tsinghua University,for example,received a full score on his TOEFL examination.He earned this score through diligence and self-discipline.Regardless of the task you are undertaking,whether it be preparing for a university examination,or working towards a career,you should always give all your effort。.

优秀的运动员应具备的综合素质包括哪些 第一是良好的身体素质,稳定的2113身体状态,平衡能力5261和柔韧能力,爆发力和耐力;第二是心理素质和精神状4102态,应变能力、适应能力、面对挫折和不畏强手、自信1653心要强,有雄视天下健儿的气度。第三专是国家和集体荣誉感,有为国增光属、团结拼搏的坚强意志、吃苦耐劳的精神。

