安踏永不止步 前一句 安踏的经典广告词是什么?


最近安踏那个Keep moving永不止步的广告歌是什么 好像有一句是 我爱你中国 歌手:汪峰歌曲:我爱你中国专辑:怒放的生命整首歌曲6分15秒广告是从5分12秒开始截的

笑话就是什么安踏永不止步我的地盘我做主 呵呵,这是我们经常说的:一人爬墙出校,被校长抓到了,校长问:为什么不从校门走?答曰:美特斯邦威,不走寻常路。校长又问:这么高的墙怎么翻过去的啊?他指了指裤子说:李宁,一切皆有可能。校长再问:翻墙是什么感觉?他指了指鞋子说:特步,飞一般的感觉。第2天他从正门进学校,校长问:怎么不翻墙了?他说:安踏,我选择,我喜欢。第3天他穿混混装,校长说:不能穿混混装!他说:穿什么就是什么,森玛服饰。第4天他穿背心上学,校长说:不能穿背心上学。他说,男人,简单就好,爱蹬堡服饰。校长说我要记你大过。他说:为什么?校长说:我的地盘我做主!http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/12642574.html?si=4

CCTV5的安踏一个广告《永不止步》里的歌曲叫什么名 歌词里有WE ARE THE 。。。。 Queen-We Are the ChampionsI've paid my duesTime after timeI've done my sentenceBut committed no crimeAnd bad mistakesI've made a fewI've had my share of sandKicked in my faceBut I've come throughAnd we mean to go on and on and on and onWe are the champions-my friendsAnd we'll keep on fightingTill the endWe are the championsWe are the championsNo time for losers'Cause we are the champions of the WorldI've taken my bowsAnd my curtain callsYou brought me fame and fortuneAnd everything that goes with itI thank you allBut it's been no bed of rosesNo pleasure cruiseI consider it a challenge beforeThe whole human raceAnd I ain't gonna loseAnd we mean to go on and on and on and onWe are the champions-my friendsAnd we'll keep on fightingTill the endWe are the championsWe are the championsNo time for losers'Cause we are the champions of the WorldWe are the champions-my friendsAnd we'll keep on fightingTill the endWe are the championsWe are the 。

#安踏广告语永不止步#安踏kt5永不止步#安踏永不止步 前一句#安踏永不止步广告#安踏永不止步

