将下列汉语翻译成英文:1中国人民正在为促进和平而努力 2在他的帮助下我终于度过了难关 在中国人民的共同努力下翻译


在中国政府及中国人民的共同努力下用英语怎么说 thanks to/due to the joint effort of the Chinese government and its people

英语翻译 Recently,the economic development of our country has achieved outstanding consequence,people's living standard has been greatly improved while at the same time,there are still issuses which we can not avoid to meet,like the inbalance between the east and west development and the bigger and bigger gap between cities and rural areas,etc.Thus,developing rural economy and reducing the gap between cities and rural areas has been attaching importance.Besides,the finance of the countryside is the key of developing country economy,and the reform and complete of rural financial system has great significance to the construction of the\"Three Rural issues\".Forming a complete financial system to provide effective fund support for the development of the\"Three rural issues\"is an important problem needing to be settled urgently.Considering the background mentioned above,the article takes the city Yulin for instance to analyses the current situation and existence of rural financial system by using。

全世界人民都在为停止战争而共同努力着 翻译成英语怎么说 People in the world to work together to end the war with.


