英语翻译 1.我最近一直跟这个客户保持联系,客户这几天比较忙,他让我五一之后再联系他,我会随时更新客户信息的.I have kept in touch with this client recently.Since he is a little busy these days,he asks me to contact him once again after the May Day.And I will update the clients information from time to time.2.可不可以将客户的样品一同邮寄给你,这样你就可以用修改后的JAW来测试样品,从而知道修改后的JAW是否OK.Can we send you the samples of the client so that you may easily get to know whether JAW is OK or not by testing the samples with the changed JAW.3.这个灯泡的型号是原厂提供给我们的,我们跟原厂买机器时特意多买用来备库存的,具体型号我需要再次确认一下。The model of this bulb is offered by our original supplier,which is what we plan to used for stock when we purchase the machines.So,I need to reconfirm for the specific model.
“如有需要修改的地方,请随时告诉我”用英语怎么说 “如有需要修改的地方,请随时告诉我”Please feel free to let me know if there is any need to change it重点词汇释义有需要in demand修改revise;amend;alter;modify;make over地方place;space;part;respect;local;locality随时at any time;at all times;whenever necessary;as the occasion demands;at any moment告诉tell;let[make]know;wise;wise up