笑笑英语說話 我就笑笑不说话,的古文怎么说,


英语中怎么说各种的笑? 1.crack a smile 微笑;莞尔一笑例I was telling my jokes to her,but Susan never cracked a smile.我当2113时在和她说笑话,但她5261怎么都不笑。2.smile from ear to ear 高兴大笑得合4102不拢嘴例 She was smiling from ear to ear as she accepted the prize.她获奖的时候开心1653得高兴地笑了起来。3.be all smiles 笑容满面例 She spent the whole of yesterday shouting at people and yet this morning she’s all smiles.她昨天一天都在和别人大吵大叫的,今早却笑容满面。4.force a smile 强颜欢笑例 He forced a smile in the face of such embarrassing situation.面对如此尴尬的局面,他只好厚着脸皮强颜欢笑。5.smile away 一笑置之例 She just smiled away whenever sheheard of rumors about her and another actor.她每次听到自己和另外一位男演员的谣言之时,只是一笑置之。6.beam with smile 笑容满面例 The old man beamed with smile just like a little kid in front of a candy store.这位老人喜笑颜开,就像个站在糖果店前的小孩似的。7.a hearty smile 会心一笑;开怀大笑例 A hearty smile always attracts people.会心的。

笑笑,用英语怎么说 smile/ 匿名用户 1级 2014-04-07 回答 smile 追问: 怎么没的人说话啊 追答: 追问: 答案了 追答: 是人名还是微笑啊 追问: 换词了,翻译《怎么没人说话啊》翻译这句,。

\ laugh out of court


