忍一解决问题的最好途径 用英语怎么解释 Bearing-the best way of solving the problems.最根本的解决途径 英文怎么说? 书面?口头?正式?非正式?还是中国式的?to hundle the problem most essentiallyto cope with the states with radical waythe essential way to figure out the situation其他的楼上楼下已经机器翻译过了我就不说了英语翻译 Summary:The problem(village,agriculture and farmer)of resolving the village\"three agricultures\"s is lately current administrative big point of the government.The core of[with]\"three agricultures\"s problem increases farmer income,carrying out the path grows with perfect village main factor market and pushes village labor force to transfer,keeping an agricultural stability and keeping on a development.All these are all depended on in the village financial development and support directly or indirectly,the village financial problem is one of the problems of the point and the crux within Chinese financial reform.But lacked a suitable valid financing institution to need to constitute the predicament of current village financial development and obstruct the growth of farmer income for the margin that the village and the farmer provide a finance service and can't satisfy the latter.Face the predicament of this a series,we want to choose valid financial measure to promote the village financial。英语翻译 1,the best soluting to solve the air problem is to encourage the devolepment of public transportion2,music is regareded as one of the most efficial ways to reduce the pressure.3,the children who grown up in a big family can learn knowledge and skills from diffent family members.4,in order to clean up our misunderstanding,i will treat you a new movie which will be put out this sunday完全是我自己翻的~英语翻译 The liability operation is an important way for enterprises to expand production on the condition of market economy,which can solve the problems of fund shortage and difficulty in expanding operation that are widespread in small and medium-sized enterprises.The paper analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of liability operation.Only the enterprises properly use the operating decision of liability operation,can it bring the best benefit for enterprises and promote the rapid and sound development of enterprises.纯人工翻译 希望可以帮到你(*_^)嘻嘻…英语翻译 Abstract:in view of the various factors influence the purchasing cost,find solutions,to the enterprise procurement cost analysis of the existing problems,puts forward new way to control the purcha.
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