有首英文歌,开始是” I will be errth,you be the flower。\ I Will Be Earth(1993)Music by Gwyneth Van Anden WalkerText by May SwensonI will be earth,you be the flower.You have found my root,you are the rain.I will be boat,and you the rower.You rock me and toss me,you are the sea.How be steady earth that is now a flood.The root is the oar afloat where has blown our bud.We will be desert,pure salt the seed.Burn radiant love,born scorpion need.如果,我自以为是地假设你,就是,那朵开在我心里时刻等待凋零的花当你黯然离去大地会顷刻干涸再也孕育不出如你般鲜妍如果,我不知廉耻地奢望你,就是,那叶飘在我心里随时被水湮没的船当你沉入水底大海会流尽眼泪空留盐晶闪烁生命的荒凉我在心里唱着这首挽歌祭奠这般无力的留恋任由枯萎的泪花被沙漠卷走请问,有一首英文歌,其中歌词大概是:we will relldy with gone.有谁这首歌叫什么名字?谢谢! 是不是we will rock you buddy you're a boy make a big noise playin' in the street gonna be a big man some day you got blood on your face,big disgrace kicking 。一首女声英文歌歌词大概是I love the way you like it Love The Way You LieJust gonna stand there and watch me burn你是不是就打算站在那看着我五脏如焚That's all right不过没关系Because I like the way it hurts因为我。英文歌歌词有一句just gonna stand there and watch me burn 但不是love the way you lie 歌词是“Just gonna stand there and watch me burn”的歌曲就是《Love the Way You Lie》中文名称:爱你说谎的方式外文名称:Love the Way You Lie所属专辑:Recovery发行时间:2010年6月21日歌曲原唱:埃米纳姆,蕾哈娜歌词:Just gonna stand there and watch me burnBut that's alright,because I like the way it hurtsJust gonna stand there and hear me cryBut that's alright,because I love the way you lieI love the way you lieI can't tell you what it really isI can only tell you what it feels likeAnd right now there's a steel knife,in my windpipeI can't breathe,but I still fight,while I can fightAs long as the wrong feels right,it's like I'm in flightHigh off of love drunk from my hateIt's like I'm huffing paint and I love it the that I sufferI suffocate and right before I'm about to drownShe resuscitates me,she fucking hates me,And I love it,waitWhere you going,I'm leaving youNo you ain't,come backWe're running right back,here we go againIt's so insane 'cause when 。有首英文歌女声的,开头是do you什么什么的然后再do you什么什么的,节奏很嗨的,有谁听过? 不出意外的话你指的是katy perry的firework.采纳吧,你好我也好!2NE1的Do you love me 大家比较熟悉的流行歌:god is a girl the day you went away to be with you hey 。
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