英语翻译 In comparison,the interviews should pay attention to his wordsNo doubt the war in Iraq to the local people to cause great suffering and lossThose criminals will be taken to a nearby prison就这样.英语翻译 Sichuan with beautiful hills and waters amounts to 11,300,000,000 yuan at present because of the loss height that sour rain brings about every year,the loss that among them sour rain brings about to.对…造成伤害\"的英文是do damage to. damage作名词意思有损害;损失;毁坏。作及物动词意思有损害;毁坏。如:The damage to the painting is the work of vandals. 。英语翻译 DECLARATIONWe're very sorry about the inconveniences caused by early arrival of our cargo.And we're willing to bear some of the losses.However,as we've already given you the most favorable prices,we can only afford USD 500 this time,which you could deduct from your payment.We'll keep offering favorable prices to you in our future cooperation,which we believe will be longstanding and prosperous.
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