今天又是一个圣诞节歌曲基督教简谱 简谱如下:
谁有圣诞夜歌的歌词 My father's house was warm at nighthe used to sing me lullabyesjust like his father before him always didjust like his mother would have done if she had livedMy father's house was safe at nighthe used to sleep just down the halljust like his father before him always wouldwhen he was oldwhen times were goodHe found the timeHe found a wayPiece by pieceday by dayOh you look so prettydon't forget to say your prayersI will rock you 'till your sleepingand I'll carry you upstairsand I'll see you in the morningand I'll see you in your dreamsI will always be here when you need meSilent night,holy nightUncle BonsaiI left a light on in the hallwayAll is warm,all is brightI hold my visions in my handSilent night,holy nightlife goes on beyond my eyelidsAll is safe,out of sightI was away at schoolthe night I heard the newsthat I was all alonefrom a strangers voice on the hallway phoneShe had to call collectand mispronounced my namesaid that I should be 。
“喜迎圣诞”歌谱 《喜迎圣诞》由2113佟景坡演唱,佟5261景坡填词,佟景坡作曲,4102《1653喜迎圣诞》的歌谱如下:《喜迎圣版诞》权的歌词如下:圣诞佳节来到喜气挂眉梢,祝你平平安安,生活更好读经祷告心无烦恼,健健康康活到老弟兄姊妹喜迎圣诞佳节到,同心侍奉上帝,灵程路遥遥彼此相爱彼此顺服,人人露出幸福笑沸腾的圣诞夜,欢乐的圣诞歌,心里面流淌着一条生命河哈利路亚!赞美羔羊!荣耀!荣耀!主名得荣耀哈利路亚!赞美羔羊!荣耀!荣耀!主名得荣耀扩展资料:《喜迎圣诞》的另一版。歌唱:天国爱歌,作曲:主的美羊羊,填词:主的美羊羊。歌词如下:神爱世人,赐下爱子,为要拯救罪中之人上帝洪恩,可歌可颂,普天同庆救主降生载歌载舞,庆祝圣诞,赞美歌声响切四方歌舞不断,心中喜乐,鼓声喧天心里火热神的儿女欢聚一堂,共同努力福音广传我们心连心手相牵,齐心努力兴旺福音