这种布料摸起来很柔软,但价格太贵,我们买不起.用英语怎么说? This kind of cloth feels soft but the price is too high so we can't afford it.
有一种衣服面料很滑很有弹性,摸起来凉凉的叫什么 府绸 应该是,我原来也在找
翻译成英语:丝绸摸起来又滑又柔软 Silk feels both smooth and soft
这种布料摸起来很柔软,但价格太贵,我们买不起.用英语怎么说? This kind of cloth feels soft but the price is too high so we can't afford it.
有一种衣服面料很滑很有弹性,摸起来凉凉的叫什么 府绸 应该是,我原来也在找
翻译成英语:丝绸摸起来又滑又柔软 Silk feels both smooth and soft