新产品开发英文怎么写 开发新产品用英语


实际上我想做开发新产品工作用英语怎么说 Actually I want to engage in new product developing work.请问缩短新产品开发周期用英文怎么讲 shorten the circle of developing new products.我负责开发和设计新产品用英语怎么说 My job responsibility is to develop and design new product.英语中“开发”(产品开发)怎么说? 是的,业务拓展/产品开发都用development这个词.比如业务开发 Business Development产品开发 Product Development新产品开发英文怎么写 新产品开发[词典]new product development;[例句]同时我们也可以和客户合作进行新产品开发。We can also cooperate with customers to develop new products.我们公司最近开发了一些新产品,怎么写英文邮件告诉客人? There are some new products developed by our company.it is our honor to introduce them to you if you have any interested to know about that.开发产品用英语怎么说 开发产品Product development;Development product;[例句]注意:附录C展示了本文讨论到的我们在开发产品中所使用的自动化工具。NOTE:Appendix C shows all the automated tools we used in developing the product discussed in this article.新产品开发过程中,英文缩写EB/MB/PP各代表什么意思 12315sz.com 广告 全国初级会计职称模拟考试报名中【中华会计网校】 m.chinaacc.com 广告 加载失败 点击重新加载 向网友提问 微信 微博 QQ QQ空间 答案纠错 。“根据市场需求,及时开发新产品”用英语怎么说? timely develop new products in accordance with ma Developing new products according to market's demand in a timely manner. 问题 全部问题 休闲娱乐 情感家庭 。开发一项新的产品用英语怎么说? develop a new product


