《了不起的孩子》英语作文 Although Rahm started out as the quiet child,the roots of his assertiveness,tenacity,beliefs and even style are easy to find.At home,as the middle child,he was the politician.Outside he was notorious in challenging authority.In an argument with the father of a good schoolfriend he said“Fuck you,Uncle Bill”,and then launched into a tirade about how the man was an Archie Bunker—a television character who was a politically incorrect,conservative curmudgeon。尽管拉姆?伊曼纽尔在小时候算是个安静的孩子,但是他的魄力、韧性、信仰和他的独特风格从他的成长中也可觅踪影。在家里,他是排行老二的孩子,上忍哥哥,下让弟弟,就像政治家一样。在外面,他是个因为爱挑战权威而名声昭著的政客。又一次,他与一位交好的学校同学的父亲起了争执,他说:“比尔叔叔,你去死吧。然后便开始了他的长篇大论,说那个人是个像电视角色亚奇邦克式一般自大顽固的人。Ezekiel is informative about Rahm than analytical.He attributes all three brothers’success to active parenting,but it is hard not to conclude that their greatest 。
赵梓什么的男孩名字好听 【赵】,繁体:赵,拼音:zhào,五行:火,笔划:14,姓名学解释:(吉) 【梓】,繁体:梓,拼音:zǐ,五行:木,笔划:11,姓名学解释:一生清雅荣贵,智勇双全,官运。