英语翻译 1.People in my hometown like to live in different places. 2.Some like to live in cities for they can buy sorts of things in supermarkets and visit parks and cinemas. 3.Others like to live in rural areas because there is fresher air,less pollution,birds singing and flowers everywhere. 4.The teacher said he didn't need to finish the practice in class. 较高水平翻译,非机译.
英语翻译 You should offer your seat to the elderly on the bus.You should stand in a line when you are shoppi
英语翻译 You should offer your seat to the elderly on the bus. You should stand in a line when you are shopping. Don't spit everywhere in the street.
我想让人帮我买东西,但是怎么写英语的email,最好是语气委婉的, dear*I am very glad to have connect with you.how are you doing would you like to help me buy one bag which is*.it will be my great honor if you gei me a hand.Thank you very much!yours*(星好处.
英语翻译 most of elders in the city can manage their own money rationally.But those from the rural area moving to the city,can hardly do that.Generally,this kind of aged people decentralize their control over.
给老人买什么礼物好 给老人买什么礼物好,要给老人买什么礼物比较好,通常在过年过节时,在我们去看望老人时,我们会想到,要给老人买礼物,那么,我们可以给老人买一些糖分少,不容易上火的...
求翻译,明天上午我将帮助老人买东西 I will help the old people buy things tomorrow. 加油!不明白再问!如果帮到你,请采纳,谢谢!
帮助老人买东西用英语怎么说3种? 帮助老人买东西用英语怎么说 help the aged people do shopping help the aged people buy something help buy something for the aged people
求英文翻译 1.他买不起这么好的房子。 2 有位老人在门口等你。 3 昨天我看见你在商店买东西。 1.He can't afford to buy such a good house. 2.An old man is waiting for you at the gate. 3.I saw you do some shopping at the store yesterday. 4.They are going swimming this afternoon. 5.He felt sad when hearing the bad news
求两篇英语语法填空 第一篇文章 Santa Claus–The Real Story I remember my first Christmas adventure with Grandma.I was just a kid.I remember tearing across town on my bike to visit her.On the way,my big sister dropped the bomb:\"There is no Santa Claus,\"she jeered.\"Even dummies know that!My Grandma was not the gushy kind,never had been.I fled to her that day because I knew she would be straight with me.I knew Grandma always told the turth,and I knew that the turth always went down a whole lot easier when swallowed with one of her\"world-famous\"cinnamon buns.I knew they wre world-famous,because Grandma said so.It had to be true. Grandma was home,and the buns were still warm.Between bites,I told her everything. She was ready for me. “No Santa Claus?she snorted…”Ridiculous!Don’t you believe it!That rumor has been going around for years,and it makes me mad,plain mad!Now,put on your coat,and let’s go.” “Go?Go where Grandma“I asked.I hadn’t even finished my 2nd world famous cinnamon bun… “Where”turned...
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