我们也该离开老家了英语怎么说 直到妈妈回来我才会离开家 用英语怎么说


英语翻译句子 1 Please close the door when you leave the classroom.2 How I miss the days when I was in my hometown.3 It's necessary for you to learn some knowledge of Psychology to be an eligible head teacher.4.

妈妈今天离开我们整整二年了,我回老家去看妈妈该说点什么 妈妈离开你们已经整整两年你应该很想念自己的妈妈如果这次回家去看妈妈可以跟她说说心里话跟她说说你们的现状让她可以放心

英语翻译 My hometown.It was a very ordinary small village,I grew up there,although it is common,it has no urban prosperity,but I like it.The weather in my hometown is warm,the winter is green.Make people feel very comfortable.Now leave,leave the longer,the memories of home.Whenever the holidays,homesick,missing in the home of relatives and friends.Leave home,I often recall the childhood home in the little drops of life,memories of home of every tree and bush.I love the hometown-XX,where I.


