死的英文有名词和形容词请问下怎么用? 1.名词:death,死亡.例子:Most of people are afraid of death.大多数人都害怕死亡.用法就是放在动词或者介词后面,就和其他名词的用法一样.2.形容词:dead,死的;dying,将死的.注意dead表示已经死去的,dying表示就快死,还没死去的.
英语翻译 The topic of my speech is death.What is death?It is the end of life,it's the worst vocabulary.Almost everyone hates death,fears death,and so the reason why we should understand death.Understand that war is to cherish peace,understand death is to treasure the preciousness of life,then see yourself properly.For me,I'm really afraid of death,because I was still young,there are many important things to do,but even that I know death is inevitable.By the way,some scientists say that the world after death may really exist.
为什么人见了死人会害怕,而见到别的死动物不怕? 死亡并不可怕,可怕的是我们对死亡的恐惧本身。其实,我们之所以看见尸体会感到害怕,是因为我们的文化、传统中已经构建了种种潜在的联想模式:比如人死亡之后会变成鬼怪。。