初一英语作文 你的家人都是做什么工作的英文作文


你和你的家人会干些什么英语作文六句以上? There are three people in my family.Both of my parents are teachers and they can drive very well.My mother can also cook delicious food and she can knit beautiful sweater,too.My father can repair lots of things.I am a student and I can help my parents with the housework,such as cleaning the room,washing the dishes and so on.Both my parents and I like doing sports.We can skate,ski,play baksketball,swim and so on.

你和你的家人在周末都干什么英语作文 At weekend,my father is busy.My mother will come home at six'o clock.We can have a tasty dinner.We can go to Grandma's home.In Grandma's home i can know many knowledges.We will have a good night.

初一英语作文 Hi。Boys and girls。Do you want to know about my family's job?Well,let me tell you.My father is a doctor,it's a very busy job,he helps sick people every day,and nurses are help him.And he likes the job.


