《母亲为我做的一件事》作文 关于我和母亲的一件事


写一篇关于母亲和自己的一件事,英语作文 My mother is a simple woman who comes from the countryside with little education.But in my eyes,she is the greatest mother in the world.Her perseverance gives me courage in all my life.Whenever I have trouble doing something and think about giving up,the scene that happened three years ago to mother just come into my mind.Having asked for a leave from the teacher,I left the boring class and went to home with my favorite novel tucked under my arm.Father was at work,brother was at school,mother wouldn'tbe back from her small store until evening.I felt very happy thinking that I would have the entire house to myself.I bounded up steps,burst into the room but was shocked by whatever I saw.Mother was sitting in the sofa,sobbing with her shoulder twitching.I had never seen mother crying before.I went close to her,asking what had happened.She wiped her tears,forced a smile,and told me calmly that her small store was going to break.I didn’t know how to comfort her at the moment,but I did 。

关于母亲最难忘的一件事 每个人都有一件难忘的事,当然我也不列外。那是我六岁的时候,发高烧。妈妈背着我,健步如飞的到了附近的一家医院。医生把温度表,夹在我的腋下,过了几分钟后,医生把温度表拿出来一看,我的体温到了39度,那时我就觉的头非常的疼,妈妈就安慰我到:“没事儿的,输了液就不疼了。我听着妈妈的话,连我平时最怕的针输入我的皮肤,我都不怕了。妈妈把我抱到床上,非常关心的问道:“你饿不饿妈妈给你买吃的。“不用了妈妈。到了晚上我睡了一会,醒来看到了一脸疲倦的妈妈坐在板凳上睡着了,这时我感动得禁不住眼泪从我的眼眶里流了出来,我想:妈妈是如此的爱我,关心我,给了我生命,现在我一定要好好读书,长大后我要好好的回报妈妈…想着想着妈妈睡醒了,妈妈问我:“文欣你醒了啊,你饿不饿,妈妈去给你买晚饭。妈妈站了起来向外面走去。过了一会儿,妈妈买回来了热腾腾的盒饭。我问妈妈:“妈妈你不累吗?妈妈摸摸我的头笑着说:“妈妈为了你做什么都行,天下那个母亲不爱自己的孩子,母亲做什么都是为了自己的孩子啊!我听了妈妈的话后,紧紧的把妈妈抱住了,泪水作也再次从我的眼眶流了出来,我说:“妈妈,长大后我一定要好好孝敬您!妈妈说:“只要你知道就行了。此时。

发生在我和妈妈之间的一件事 作文 我出生在一个单亲家庭,在我还是婴儿时,我的爸爸妈妈就离婚了。而妈妈坚持要把我留在她身边,爸爸也从不来看我。我和妈妈一直居住在外公外婆家。我的外公外婆对我可亲了。妈妈也一直陪着我生活。就这样一.

